What Kind Of Pets Can Use CBD?
All pets that have an endocannabinoid system can benefit from CBD for pets. This includes all pets that can be classified as mammals such as dogs, cats, and horses.
Is CBD for pets legal?
Cannabidiol that is derived from hemp is legal throughout the US, as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC.
Is CBD for pets safe?
CBD is safe even when given in doses as high as 1,500mg per day.CBD is not psychoactive. This means that you will not have to worry about your furry friend getting intoxicated after consuming CBD.CBD unlike THC (the psychoactive compound in cannabis) does not cause a change in the mental status of both humans and animals. For CBD to be completely safe for pets, it needs to be sourced from hemp which contains less that 0.3% THC.
Is CBD oil the same as medical marijuana?
No. But this is a very common misconception. Medical marijuana typically has high levels of THC in additions to cannabinoids such as CBD. Medical marijuana is not legal in all states, and in those states where it is, it requires a prescription from a doctor.CBD is different. It is made from industrial hemp, which contains less than .3% THC by law. It is legal, and it does not require a prescription. It is NOT psychoactive and it will NOT get your dog “high.”
Can I give my dog human CBD oil?
Yes, in some cases, but be careful. There are two main concerns here.
First, make sure that you read the full list of ingredients and check every one to be sure it is safe for dogs. For example, never give your dog a CBD oil that has grapeseed oil as a carrier, as this would be potentially fatal for some dogs. Also, sweeteners safe for humans, such as Xylitol, are extremely toxic to dogs. When in doubt about any ingredient, DO NOT give it to your dog.
Second, the dosing instructions given on CBD oil for people is not the same as dogs. Make sure if you go with a formula made for human consumption that you work with your vet to determine the right dosage for your pet.
What are the effects of CBD oil on dogs?
Dogs have an endocannabinoid system, just like people. This system is responsible for signaling certain processes that are still not entirely understood by the scientific and veterinary communities. It’s most common use is CBD for dogs anxiety & pain.
Regardless of if you have recently adopted a senior pup or if your dog has reached their “Golden Years,” a great way to help keep them healthy and feeling young is by adding a CBD supplement to their diet.
Some of the reasons this supplement may be beneficial can be found here.
1. CBD relieves anxiety and stress
If your pet suffers from social anxiety, CBD oil can offer a solution. CBD oil has been shown to reduce social anxiety in both humans and animals.
CBD oil prevents the release of the stress hormone hence it can reduce the stress levels of your pet. CBD is also very relaxing and energizing and can help to calm down a stressed-out pet.
2. CBD can be used to treat seizures in pets
A good number of pets experience periodic seizures, while some have constant epilepsy. The common treatment for pets experiencing seizures is phenobarbital, but the prolonged use of this drug may cause severe negative effects.
CBD is effective in treating seizures and it may offer significant relief for your pet should they be suffering from epilepsy.
3.CBD relieves pain
Studies have shown that CBD is effective in treating different kinds of pain. This includes neuropathic pain, inflammation pain, and chronic pain. Unlike opioid drugs, CBD does not cause addiction over time. CBD may be of help to your pet should they be suffering from:
Arthritis , Nerve related pain, Inflammatory bowel syndrome, Migraines
4. CBD promotes fur and skin health
CBD has antibacterial and anti fungal effects. Applying CBD oil on the skin and fur of your pet can protect them from infection and help to keep flees at bay.
Tricks to give CBD to pets
CBD may not have an enticing flavor, so here are a few tricks that can help you get this going:
Go for flavored pet treats as opposed to bland CBD products
Mix CBD oil in your pet’s food
Place CBD under the tongue of your pet for faster action
Make sure that you get the best quality CBD oil for your dog.
For topical CBD, make sure there are no added ingredients that could be irritating to the skin.
CBD for pets is useful for a number of reasons. However, your pet may respond differently to CBD. What you need to do is to gradually introduce CBD to your pet and observe how your pet is responding. If they respond well, good for you. If your pet fails to respond to CBD as anticipated you may need to try something else. Thankfully, it is safe for pets.
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