As we age, the body's functions gradually decline. In recent years, NMN has attracted much attention as a nutritional supplement. It not only has anti-aging and immunity-boosting effects, but also improves many health problems. Today we will mainly talk about the hidden functions of NMN.

1.Hangover Relief

Alcohol catabolism mainly consists of three steps: firstly, alcohol (ethanol) is converted to acetaldehyde by ethanol dehydrogenase (ADH) and NAD+; secondly, acetaldehyde is converted to acetic acid by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) and NAD+; and lastly, acetic acid enters into the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and is converted to carbon dioxide and water.NMN, as a precursor substance for NAD+, plays a key role in alcohol metabolism. NMN, as a precursor of NAD+, plays a key role in alcohol metabolism. Supplementation of NMN can rapidly increase the level of NAD+ in the liver, thus accelerating the process of alcohol catabolism.

2. Boosting immunity

NMN is able to activate immune cells such as macrophages by increasing NAD+ levels. Macrophages play an important role in the immune system by engulfing and removing invading microorganisms while releasing cytokines to regulate other immune responses. By supplementing with NMN, the activity of macrophages can be increased, making them more effective in removing pathogens and thus enhancing immunity.

3. Memory enhancement

As we age, neurons in the brain diminish, leading to memory and cognitive decline.NMN can stimulate neuronal growth and repair, thereby slowing or even reversing this process. The study found that the number and function of neurons in the brains of aged mice were significantly improved when they were given NMN supplements.

Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that are responsible for transmitting messages, such as dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine. The levels of these substances are closely related to memory and cognitive ability, and NMN can increase the levels of many neurotransmitters in the brain, thereby improving memory and cognitive ability. It was found that the learning and memory abilities of aged rats were significantly improved when given NMN supplements.

4. Improvement of skin conditions

NMN promotes collagen synthesis by boosting NAD+ levels and activating enzymes associated with collagen synthesis, such as members of the Sirtuin protein family. Collagen is a key component of skin elasticity and firmness, and its increase helps to improve skin sagging and wrinkles.

NMN itself has antioxidant properties that scavenge free radicals and reduce oxidative skin damage. In addition, by increasing NAD+ levels, NMN activates antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase, which further enhances the skin's antioxidant capacity to resist damage from external factors such as UV rays.NMN accelerates the metabolic process of skin cells and promotes the renewal and repair of aging cells. This helps to reduce problems such as dullness and discolouration of the skin, resulting in brighter and smoother skin.

5. Improving intestinal flora

As the "second genome" of the human body, intestinal flora is closely related to human health, including immunity, metabolism and nutrition. In recent years, more and more studies have shown that there is a close relationship between NMN and intestinal flora.

Increase the abundance of beneficial bacteria: NMN promotes the growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria, such as Bacillus spp. and other short-chain fatty acid-producing bacteria. These beneficial bacteria can maintain the stability of the intestinal environment, promote nutrient absorption and metabolism, and enhance the intestinal barrier function.

Inhibit the proliferation of harmful bacteria: NMN can inhibit the growth and reproduction of certain harmful bacteria, reducing their destruction and damage to the intestinal environment. This helps reduce the risk of intestinal inflammation and infection and maintains intestinal health.

Regulating the structure of the intestinal microbiota: NMN is able to regulate the structure of the intestinal microbiota, making it more balanced and stable. This state of balance helps to reduce the occurrence and development of intestinal diseases and improve human health.

6. Improving Eyesight

NMN has been found to improve retinal metabolism and function by elevating NAD+ levels, which in turn positively affects vision.

Improvement of retinal metabolism: By elevating NAD+ levels, NMN promotes energy metabolism processes within retinal cells, reduces photoreceptor death, and improves vision. Studies have shown that NMN restores normal basal glycolytic function, mitochondrial function and the ability to adapt to metabolic stress in mice, reduces photoreceptor death, and significantly improves vision and retinal function.

Reduced retinal damage: NMN can protect the eyes from light-induced retinal damage and mitigate the damage to the retina caused by elevated intraocular pressure. Recent studies have found that NMN reduces retinal damage from elevated IOP, suggesting that it has potential for treating glaucoma.

Improvement of fundus punctosum and lacrimal function: Studies have shown that NMN helps to improve fundus punctosum and lacrimal function, which may be related to the repair and regenerative effects of NMN on the cells of the eye. These improvements can help alleviate vision problems that occur as a result of aging.

7. Promote bone health

NMN is converted in the body to NAD+, an energy molecule that plays an important role in the cell. By increasing NAD+ levels, NMN is able to activate the SIRT1 protein, a protein closely associated with increased lifespan and cellular health.Activation of SIRT1 helps protect skeletal cells from damage and promotes regeneration and repair of skeletal cells.

NMN enhances skeletal cell function by increasing NAD+ levels and improving cellular energy metabolism. This helps to maintain a healthy state of the skeleton and reduces the risk of skeletal diseases.